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Umm this game is more focus on grinding pls add more s*x sen.


Good game but the succubus traumatized me manytimes i think i came back there more than 5 times to clear it because i need to go with someone and she got caught at puppetry and suck my c_ck and died but its good waiting for the next version.

Does anyone know any of the recepies?

Sorry, didn't see this. Future versions of the game will include recipe cards hidden in the world, but this version does not. There's a full list of recipes in the discord server's cooking channel.


The chicken has traumatized me.


alright that was probably the most interesting and amusing summary of a game ive seen, imma definitely need to have a look at this

(1 edit)

Hey  I have the  public version but I can't  get past the part where you end up staying overtime  before it crashes in the same spot

I think it might be a bug

To be more specific it is where you say "wait what"

just a question, how much the game is complete?

(2 edits)

Not close to being complete (Pretty sure)  but there's still a BOATLOAD of content to enjoy still, there's enough to do that you won't get bored for awhile.

i ended in 3 days the game

(1 edit)

I mean the game is based around replayability so if you completed the majority of what's in the game in 3 days, then you have a loooot of freetime.  But if you did the majority of what's in the game in 3 days, then I'd consider you a big fan of the game. Good to see another follower. See this Dev? Your getting some dedicated fans! Woot

(Ik that sounds passive aggressive, but I mean no offence)



Is the v0.3.0.5 save still usable or is the player required to start a new game?


All of the testers reported working save files, so everything should be compatible.

There is some new content that is locked to specific date ranges, so that content won't happen until you start a new life.

Is the mc boy?


Yes. In this game you play as a young man named Liam.

Thank you

When will version 3.1.2 be released?


I'm really sorry about the delay on the next version. I've got a new website prepared for this Itch page to hopefully push through some more engagement (we get a listings bump when a new version comes out, so I want to take advantage of that) and I'm waiting on the Itch support team to grant me deeper access rights to get everything working (CSS access is blocked by default here). I requested it last week, and I'm told that it takes between 1 and 2 weeks to get through their helpdesk. Hoping everything gets granted within the next few days, and then I'll post everything up at once.

I have a question because I've never bought anything on, if I buy the game now, when another update comes out will I have to buy it again?


If you spend the $5, you'll get every future version valued at that amount or under. That's how handles donation-based financial support... honestly, I think it's confusing. I don't plan to increase the values on anything until the game is 'finished', so you'll be getting version updates for the foreseeable future.

Will this game have pregnancy?


Yes, as a function of story.


Any news on the next update?

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its abandend


Check the Patreon. It’s slow but not abandoned.

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oh well i never really check those cause i dont have much money to spend on stuff like that,

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this is slower than the superhuman game and that takes 2 months rarely more to update. this is bordering on a year now either abandon the game or hire someone to make it for you that will do it faster.

It is currently being worked on. The creator has had some setbacks, but the next update should be coming out soon.

September 16th update 03.1.1 comes out at least on patreon

Hey S.C.
I own the game, even says so at the top, still can't download the latest version :(
I'd totally donate more but I'm broke as a joke.

is this nsfw


Deleted 331 days ago
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it already happened but you have to pay for it

September 16th update 03.1.1 comes out at least on patreon

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how do i get rid of poison from meals?

(3 edits)

the cooking set removes 10%, and the rest is from the cooking title and the poison resistance title, also if you do recipes I believe they are not counted as poisonous.

to evolve the picky eater title you have to throw away food, 500 times for max level.

and for the poison title you have to get poisoned, 20000(eating poisoned stuff or getting hit by poison traps on dungeons) and die from poison 4 times for max level.

edit: for the cooking title you need to cook 1000 meals for it to go max level.

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thanks for the help

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Imagine following this game from the beginning only to have the MC cucked by Marla.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Good day.
Love the game; have for awhile.

Ran into an issue where I kept my tent in the soul box but guild/story is acting as though I do not own it.  Was hoping to save 5000 gold but that does not seem to be the case :-/

Turns out it disappeared at some point.  Explains why no one thinks I have one!  XD


so my ragus favor level is 10, and i am less than 30xp to the next level up for that god.. however any time i get enough for the next level of ragus the game crashes. This would be fine if i could just not pray to him.. but you get it during other events as well. Praying to other gods sometimes does it, exploring some times does it.


I looked into this and found a typo and some rough code. I've corrected it and uploaded a quick hotfix for you (hopefully you're on PC... Android players will need to wait until the next version update, unfortunately... there's just no quick way to compile a fix). It's in the download section of this page called 'hotfix for max level god crash' or something similar. 

It's a replacement for the 01classes.rpy file. Just move the file into your game directory and replace the old version. Restart the game and everything will hopefully work correctly.


I am on PC and this hotfix worked! thanks!

Awesome, glad to hear it!


I don't know if that was intentional lore wise, but Marla stealing Lani first kiss without even knowing if that would make her kill herself made me hate her a lot.


A fair point. I may want to look into altering that.


When will be the next update


The next update is tentatively planned for the end of March. I've finished a lot of the big items on my list, but small stuff can be a huge time sink, so I'm still not 100% sure I'll make it, but I'm on track so far.

(3 edits) (-1)

ok, I'm sorry, but now I'm getting pissed.

What is the point of gaining "Clear Mind V"?

How many times do I have to die to the fucking succubus, when it's apparent in the dialogue that Liam already knows this shit 2 times now??!?

Not to mention the entire inventory I saved up to grind the Soul box lvl, and at the very least could have sold for a higher starting cash.

I'm patient...starting over is a point. Dying and Rewinding at the Succubus in order to keep the content going, just so the Goddess of Time can say additional speeches to waste player's time between getting old quick.


Heavenly Cross and Evasion Prism don't work as described.

Having them 'Deal Magic Damage' is causing them to be only castable on enemies...meaning they're buffing the mobs instead of the party.

Had it happen twice on groups of Pygmy Wolves. Instead of evasion for me, the wolves dodged every attack I made after casting Evasion, and it actually healed their group instead of mine.

Currently both Heavenly Cross and Evasion Triangle are useless because of this.


Hi mate, sorry it took so long to reply... Itch just sort of stopped sending me notifications that there were new posts here.

In the next update I have some fixes for a few of the problems you've mentioned. The combat skills are (finally) going to be added in their entirety (as you noticed, right now all skills only target enemy characters, and all skills with multiple steps don't activate at all), and the enemy stats and so forth are going to be properly balanced (I hope... everything is of course still a work in progress... but it will get a little better). I'm also adding a little notice to any content that may result in a forced story death, so that players can choose to postpone that interaction.


You are simply not doing it right , i have the evolved version of clear mind , and the grind for the soul box is not hard , think ur action and before the rewind, no spoiler have fun

(2 edits)

mm'kay, this might be an odd one.

Does the updated content unlock from the beginning, or only when I get to different stages?

Just wondering because I see a lot of the comments on here, and having only played this for 9hrs , I'm nowhere near that amount of progress yet. Yet there are things in-game that still talk about '...will be added next update' types of things.

Like Flora, Shrine clues, meeting Zelda and Dungeon content. {I saw in patch notes for v0.3.0.5}

*Edit: Just a quick technical thing. I've noticed as a being accumulating stats through concurrent iterations, it's been taking increasing time for each save now. It went from just a few seconds to save my progress at the start, to almost 20-25sec. each time now, and it just takes longer to save each time I do.

*Edit 2: Not sure why, but I paid for the latest version and started over from scratch, and it's back to it only taking a sec. or two to save.

I think it might be something in the previous version(?) causing it, because I checked the old save from there before deleting it, and it still took forever to save again.

Tell me what to do, I got into the tomb with wolves when I somehow get into the boss room, I go through it and they roll me back for 1 day, how is it from there and what to do there?

And tell me plz whether it is necessary to be reborn for the plot to appear or not?


I keep on getting it a error at two or one day left when it comes to the work disco party quest for the adventure Guild.

How do i pay for the game in euro? Asking from the land of waffles Belgum .

Android version does not work. Waste of $5

Can you provide more info? What's the version of android running on your device? Did the free version work for you? 

(The game has been available for months now and I've seen lots of Android screenshots with spelling mistakes, but no crash reports. The game is pretty large, so if there's an install problem, it may be related to available space (you'll need roughly double the free space as the size of the game because of how the install saves temp files during the install process). There's also a new version of Android (v13) rolling out to some phones right now that I've not had a chance to test on... though it should work fine.)

Neither the free version or the $5 one worked. I press start and it puts up text then drops out of the app. I have no trouble running any others in the site. Only this one has given me trouble. My android is version 14.


Does a buying this game mean I will get the updates or will I have to buy again?


Short answer: yes, you'll get updates for the foreseeable future. 

long answer: you're not technically buying it. You are donating towards the development of the game and are able to access any future content valued at or below the amount you donate. If, for example, the cost increases to 6 million dollars you would no longer have access to new content without donating the higher amount.

(I have no intention to change the price until the game is much further along.)


very weak

How to upgrade dungeon driver title

I believe that this one is a basic count of finished dungeons.

(2 edits) (+2)

I'm gotta ask is there any hidden hints what could work as a meal from recipe list or do we need to just try everything and hope it works?

Not in-game right now. A cookbook and various recipe notes are intended in the next few updates. There is a full list of the recipes pinned in the cooking section of the discord, though. 


How does one find this fabled Discord server? 


Here you go.

It's something I perpetually forget to add into the start menu of the game, but I've done that now and it'll be much easier to find starting in the next update. (It's been shared here pretty often, but it eventually gets pushed down the comment list).

What level Lani have to be to max that title

The leveling titles require level... i think it's 80, but i don't recall exactly and don't have my computer with me. They're not currently possible to max out,  since enemies don't currently scale that high.

How to upgrade picky-eater

Picky eater is based on the number of meals that you've thrown away.

How to upgrade cat person title

Cat person is raised based on Lani's highest level.

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