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How to upgrade jack of all title

Jack of all is based on the highest minimum stat level that you have at death. So if you have strength at 10, intelligence at 200, endurance at 500, and agility at 1000, your jack of all value for that life is 10.

How do you get the quick hands title

It starts at the rogue title, which is first earned by getting to level... 5 or 6 on the Sneak skill tree (I can't recall which). The title is then leveled based on the number of critical hits you've performed. Getting to level 10 in the title isn't really expected, since all of the planned critical rate equipment is not yet in the game. 

I saw a kill count for spiders but I have not met any spiders are they in the game yet or no I'm running 0.3

Spiders were cut at the last minute for time (0.3 took way too long to get out the door), but the counters were already in place. They'll be added in future adventure/dungeon content.

When will be new upgrade

I can't work much over the holiday season (I'm a stay-at-home dad, so I can only work on the game when my kids are at school), so production is going to be pretty slow until after the new year. I'm not close enough to give an accurate time estimate, but I know that I have a few hundred hours of work left to do until the next version is ready, so I expect it to be finished roughly around the end of January. (It's a big update though, I think the players will like it)

good luck 


how do you progress the potential protagonist trait?

also i ate the chicken parts that i got from defeating it but i did not get the flag what do i do to get it?

Protagonist, Cat Person, and Party Planner are all based on the 'highest level achieved at death' for Liam, Lani, and the entire party. Those are currently not possible to max out, since enemies don't scale up high enough to earn the required levels (with dungeons, I think the max level of these titles is 7 or 8, and in the free public version, it'll be around level 4).

The chicken dinner flag is worded poorly, so lots of people have that same question. There is an in-story method to kill the chicken before you fight it, and thus you eat it with your family and earn the flag. If you catch all of the chickens in the yard (with Marla), you'll be presented with the option to catch the rooster. If you have the maximum level of the chicken title (Alektorophobia), then you'll kill it. If the title is too weak, you'll get scared and run away.

(1 edit) (+1)

Found a bug, Android version. When you have maxed out a Gods favor, the game will stop and never continue. Attached is screenshot of where it stops. Note: playing the latest version,  thought this bug was already fixed but I guess the fix was only for skills and not favor. Idk


Hm... based on the screen, I'm guessing this happened during an exploration? It's possible that there's some sort of conflict when this dialogue pops up in an unexpected location. I'll take a look.

how do you get gods favor?

Work with Aunt Bess and clean the statues. Also by adventuring you will gain favor with Ragus.

Don't listen to the other guy. Yes, you go to the temple, and yes cleaning the statues will gain you a single favor point with each available god, however, it's much more efficient to select "inspect statues" and worship a god, scrolling back and forth until you get a favorable prayer.


Both options have their pro's and con's if Divine favor is your main goal inspecting and praying are great, if you are working on leveling your temple level, trying to gain money and divine favor is a bonus cleaning works fairly well.

While true to some extent, the favor gained from cleaning isn't much. It's more efficient to go after one or the other at one time.


i have searched all over the internet and could not find anything with the rewind mechanic. i believe this is a one of a kind game that could make a fortune.


The mechanics are that of old school RPGs mixed with modern VNs, there are a many with the same mechanics but only a few developers are able to put it together how SprintingCucumber has done with this gem.

Specifically there's a Time loop Hunter Game which as the name suggests has you in a time loop which is very much what Rewind is.  Though that is set in a Modern Earth setting.

(1 edit)

I'm also wondering if it is worth to take the Shrine Token with you into the next life. Without knowing what it is for I did it now once, but it does not stack with another one found during the investigations, which makes it less inventory-effective, and sadly there was no ingame remark/comment on already having one of those in your bag.


So the Shrine Token is the entrance key to a story dungeon that is not currently available (under the potion shop). Since it's not a difficult item to collect, I recommend not worrying about keeping it. There will be some hidden stuff if you go to the dungeon earlier than you should be allowed, so once the dungeon is in the game, keeping the token to use on day 1 of your next life would have value.

getting a crash/exception in the first story dungeon (near the house, with wolves) when reaching a fork

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
  File "game/guild_events.rpy", line 17, in script call
    call screen guild
  File "game/dungeon_succubus.rpy", line 133, in script call
    call dungeon_create(succubus_dungeon) from _call_dungeon_create
  File "game/dungeon_succubus.rpy", line 4565, in script
    if number == 2:
  File "game/dungeon_succubus.rpy", line 4565, in <module>
    if number == 2:
NameError: name 'number' is not defined
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
  File "game/guild_events.rpy", line 17, in script call
    call screen guild
  File "game/dungeon_succubus.rpy", line 133, in script call
    call dungeon_create(succubus_dungeon) from _call_dungeon_create
  File "game/dungeon_succubus.rpy", line 4565, in script
    if number == 2:
  File "renpy/", line 2115, in execute
    if renpy.python.py_eval(condition):
  File "renpy/", line 1092, in py_eval
    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
  File "renpy/", line 1085, in py_eval_bytecode
    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/dungeon_succubus.rpy", line 4565, in <module>
    if number == 2:
NameError: name 'number' is not defined
Windows-10-10.0.19041 AMD64
Rewind v0.3.0.5
Sat Oct 15 22:11:03 2022

Having a hard time recreating this particular problem, but I've added a redundancy into the code to correct it for any other players who may experience this. Note, this change won't go live until the next major version upgrade.

im having trouble downloading Rewind-v0.3.0.5 for pc when i click download im just getting the older version and i did pay for it  to the ppl who say " you gotta pay"

Deleted 1 year ago

Hi, sorry I didn't see this post sooner. Are you still having this problem? Honestly, I've looked into it and the version on download has been updated to the newest one in the settings, so I'm not entirely sure what's going wrong. I have a few things to try just in case:

- Are you downloading using the App? If so, try downloading on the website, and if not, try using the App.
- Maybe... put in a support ticket with's official support line? I wish I could give better advice on the subject, but I don't know of anything I can do specifically on my side to help out.


All good I got it to download its just wouldn't let me use the app and ty for the reply 

How do I get chicken immunity? I remember seeing something on it before, but I've forgotten since it's been a while since I've needed to get it.


Chicken immunity is level 10 of the chicken title (alektorophobia). It'll come naturally after a few lives, or you can force it by rushing to day 31 and dying a few times.


I see, thank you!

Do you know if fire resistance is in the game currently, or if I just wasted three 'lives' to die to fire traps?


Fire resistance is not currently in the game, HOWEVER, all of the counters and values that will eventually be used to calculate the fire resistance title are currently active in the game. So you can't earn the title right now, but everything is in there waiting for the title to be added.

(1 edit)

Thanks for reply. Looks like I pretty much reached the end of current version then. I had like three dozen 'rewinds', multiple times doing all dungeons, usually reaching about level 62-73, got pretty close to the final form of most title evolutions, and poisoned myself to death constantly to get the perfect immunity, gaining immunity to the succubus mind control too, and getting chicken immunity. Looking forward to how these titles may benefit us later in story, like at a banquet.

As a sidenote: I think there's a bug with the RL programmer title. I used dungeons to level up this title to seven or eight, but every time the character is reborn the initial list of titles only shows it at the top of list, at the base 1st level, even though the parents later do remark about the unknown title in strange language.


Ah, I know what's causing the title problem (programmer was locked at level 1 until this past update, and I forgot to update the revival code to treat it like a normal title). Thanks for letting me know.


I've posted up a new devlog with changes for v0.3, as well as some information about the future plans for the update I just recently started. I've also sent out gift codes for those of you who made previous purchases at the old price. I really appreciate that anyone plays my game at all, and the people who have spent their hard-earned money to support me, even more so.

I'm sure you'll find some typos, janky game mechanics, and strange errors, but I hope you guys enjoy it all the same.

Reminder that we have a Discord (that I constantly forget to link to in the actual game...). There's a handy list of tips and tricks, some spoilers for recipes, and so on if you'd like to drop by and give feedback or just say hello.



SprintingCucumber Which Monday were you speaking about?


I know, right? Monday was apparently one of those 'holidays' at my kids' school, so I didn't have a chance to do anything, and then Tuesday came and I forgot entirely. It's uploading now. I've also increased the price a little bit, since buying it here grants access to future updates as well. How does that impact people who previously paid the smaller amount? I have no idea. I don't understand how treats donation/free games *at all*. I hope that it lets you stick around without dropping more money, or at the very least, let's you add in the difference or something.

Anyway, if you're interested in PC or Mac, the files are there, and Android will be up pretty soon. If you're looking for the next free version, I actually need to reupload that to play well with Itch's automated stuff, so that's going to be another hour or so.

I'm sorry, but I won't be able to pay again, since I live in a country with limited opportunities to pay abroad, I will wait for the free version

I believe you can send free paid versions, so if it negatively affects those who bought it already, you can have them email you their receipt and send them a free copy.

I have a question SprintingCucumber do you plan to help somehow the people that paid smaller price and give them access to newer versions or not and we need to pay again?


Yes, actually! I just sent out a promo code email for previous purchasers. It's the first time that I've ever tried to do anything like this, so I hope it reached everyone with the appropriate links all working correctly... I sent it to the email address that Itch has on file for purchases. Essentially it's a $5 coupon for the game, and if people don't want it or don't need it, they can always gift the link to a friend or post it up on a community board. Doesn't bother me at all.

Thank you for the consideration of those who have supported you in the past. It is appreciated.

I would like to thank you too.

I am very grateful, I didn't even find it right away, it turns out the letter was hidden in spam, it's a shame, I'll add it to my favorites

(3 edits) (+1)

Well it seems that I would need to buy it again.

From documentation

"If you change the minimum price of your project then key holders will still have access to their files. There’s one exception to this rule though: any files that are individually priced.

There are two ways to set a price on your downloadable files: You can set a minimum price on your entire project, or you can individually set a price on files of your choosing "

So it seems that future updates were stopped to anybody who has bought it before. :) Well I can't pay for it 2 time especially that I aren't guaranteed having access to newer versions and because of what is happening with money exchange rates. Sorry.

One more think I would need to pay full price I can't pay only the difference.


I really like this game but more for the mechanics a design that have actually if in the future you can add an option that let avoid the sexy scenes when you are "farming" exp I appreciete it. I don't going to deny I like the sexy scenes too but I love the game in general is really creative and have a lot of thinks I would like to see in modern RPG games, thanks for posting this game I would love to do something similar in the future sjsjjs


Quick update for people waiting for the next version on itch: it looks like we've gotten into a stable version ( I'm planning to post up this latest version here on Monday. I appreciate everyone's patience for my very slow release cycle. It looks like 0.3.1 will be a much faster release.

No problem cucumber. Thanx for keeping us in the loop. A lot of devs on here dont do that very often so its always nice to see

dang I didn't really think this was still going.  Awesome.


Update that The Cucumber posted on Discord today:

The Cucumber

Ok, I think at this point I can be confident in posting a final changelog on this version, so here goes:

Rewind v0.3 Changelog:

- Story Dungeon 1 added to main storyline (accessed at home after chicken is dead).

- Dungeons added to exploration (11 total).

- 17 new enemies added to fill dungeons.

- 24 new items added to fill dungeons.

- 5 new titles

- 7 new animations

- Soul Box can now upgrade to level 7.

- 5 new recipes (with no added effects at this time).

(1 edit) (+1)

Looks really good! When this new version is going to be available in this page? I really would like to pay patreon but I'm poor sjsjjs


I hold off on Itch until it's generally free of bugs (I know you probably can't tell, but these are  the 'bug-free' versions). I expect that I'll update all of the version here on Itch in a few days.

That is good to know thanks for the info! I appreciate all the effort you do in this game.


I'm the version 3.1 can we learn magic? 

And go to the academy


Sorry, didn't see this question. Answer: nope. 

0.3.1 will be a polish update replacing a lot of the training/leveling/battling systems and focusing on story progression for Lani's individual storyline. Coding is actually progressing really fast, so I may expand the training content to include (non-academy) magic training. 


how do i even get the guild and the tent ive been playing for almst a wekk and still have no clue how to enter the guild without getting scared by that random dude and idk where to get the tent

you need to go to the guild 3 times before you can actually do stuff there instead of being scared


Hi(and sorry),maybe I'm going to sound like an asshole but well it is what it is (I prefer to get to the point), does the game now have any sexual scenes where the mc is participating? the last time i played iirc was 1 or 2 years ago and it was a no reward grindfest where the only scenes were all of a creep cuck mc watching other characters have sex.
Has the story progressed somewhat in that or is the mc still a litlle creep looking at the others fuck? (voyeurism doesn't interest me and grind for hours in a game to see others fuck much less..)

Thank You.


You're good. The answer is yes and no. The version coming in the next few weeks has full intercourse for the mc, but not with any of the main story characters (I know,  what the fuck...). The most recent version  released (0.2.9) has oral, fingerings, massage, and voyeur scenes with the main girls. After this coming release, I'm scheduled to make much smaller and faster updates that will also include a lot more progress with the girls. If you're interested in starting once the sex scenes are more generous, then you should wait until either v0.3 or v0.3.1 (0.3 is a big main story/mechanics update with little sex and 0.3.1 is a sex update with fine-tuning and small improvements to other systems).

(1 edit)

While playing on the latest version of your wonderful game, I found a lot of bugs. (I play exclusively on android) And also I have a couple of questions.


1. During fights, the icons of gg and Lani are replaced by wolves. (I still don't understand what this is connected with)

2. Sometimes when casting spells from enemies, an error is issued. (ignoring saves)

3. If you have sparring with Lani in the afternoon, and go along the Lani\ Marla line in the evening, then the plot does not go through to the end, the event massage immediately enters.

4. There are some braking animations of the battle, even with the game mode enabled on snapdragon.

5. When creating a copy of saving and pasting under a different name, the game does not recognize it, only with the help of replacement you can return the copy.

6. When skills increase more than 1000 level, during reincarnation it gives an error (ignoring saves)

7. Cooking food is unstable (I understand this perfectly well) but sometimes it kills right after the first cooking

8. The Lani\Marla icon can be triggered if you click the "skip" button and click on the Marla room icon.

9. I don't know how, but the foot massage quest doesn't work

That's all I've found so far, and now if it's not difficult to answer the questions)))

Where can I get a  recipes ?

Are three animations in one scene or different ?

P.S Used a translator since I don't speak English well, I beg to forgive.

Hi, and thanks for the post. Some of these bugs haven't been mentioned yet, so it's quite helpful. I'm currently working through the code for bugfixes, so I've added these to my list. 

As for your questions, the three animations are in only one scene for now (in Marla's bedroom). More are finished and will be released with the next game update in a few weeks. And the cooking recipes are currently hidden while inside the game (I intend to put some of them in the house library or various shops eventually, but that hasn't happened yet). I believe that some or all of the current recipes have been posted in the cooking section of our discord server. I'll throw an invite link below.

(2 edits)

Hello and thank you for the invitation, I will be glad to join, I have already opened recipes had to sweat with combinations (I had to make a table XD)

I found a few more bugs in the game :

I'll start with a simple one))))

1. If you die after cooking, then through the back button and continue again, you can change the variation of "death" to "survived"

2. If you commit suicide and come back, one day is taken away(sometimes)

3. You can take a tent and a pot with you after reincarnation and pump it twice, I didn't find a mistake, but it's strange

4. Lani copies my stats and does not change them even if her level is higher than mine

5. Sometimes all items take the name of another and its quantity, after restarting the game for a couple of seconds, it is corrected again

And now the most difficult part.

1. Saving copies the code with each reincarnation and reaches as much as 20 MB, discovered recently, tried to edit, but after that it increases by 2 times and does not work

2. Finding items on a journey, as I understand it, depends on itself and increases from God, but if you constantly roll back ten times when choosing "+%", then you can find an item with -50%

I'm probably a terrible person who is looking for this and loads you with extra work, I hope you're not mad at me =)э

I wish you always good mood and health

I also found everything on the APK and translated it through a translator

I'd already paid for the last version, do I have to pay for the new one as well? 

on this site, you don't need to


I got a question 

When is the new version going to. Be FREE

when will the new update for the game be released

The next version is currently working through error corrections and fine-tuning (I was too ambitious with this release and it's taken a great deal more time than I initially expected). I believe that it'll be ready in a few more weeks.


Your visual novel is a lot of fun for many reasons. The characters are great, the artwork is great, the scenarios of the story feel like a real adventure. You make me both look forward to an update and resent how long it takes you to produce one. I found a crashing bug with the books. I forget exactly what I did, but it had something to do with trying to eat a book and then 'canceling' instead of confirming, and a crash happens. Also I hope you'll disable the scroll wheel function soon.


Thank you for enjoying the game.

For the book issue you found, which version and platform are you playing?

2.8 pc

(1 edit) (-1)

That issue was fixed in version 2.9. For people still playing the free versions, you can find a workaround for this issue (sorta) by reading the "Known Bugs" section in the Version 2.8 Changelogs up above. I hope this helps!

Known Issues:

- Skill books may trigger an error message after earning a new skill. Rolling back and the error screen should correct the problem.

Update from The Cucumber posted on Discord this morning:

I've still got a pretty long list of things that need to be finished and/or integrated into the game, but I'm now in the process of checking things off of my list.

So yea where is it

Did you even look at their patreon?

I mean the free one 

(2 edits)

i'm suprised you care how long it's taking considering that it's free, the thing on patreon is a progress update stating that the next PATREON update is possibly in a few weeks at minimum and if i remember correctly they were planning on releasing a more stable version of 2.9 here after they did some work on it.


Free version only gets updated when new paid versions are released. This ensures that the Patrons receive the benefits they have been promised.


U said I'll come in between the end of April 

Where is it



"Version 0.3 (the introduction of both story and procedurally generated dungeons) is currently beyond the halfway mark, but still a ways away. My current estimation is the end of April or the beginning of May (so three weeks or so from this post)."


He is working on it as he can. As always, the best place for updates and sneak peaks is our Discord channel. 


Do not rush it.


Hi All, dev here. I'm just popping in to give a quick update to anyone reading the comments (if you're interested in consistent progress reports, drop by the Discord at, I post up progress reports and screenshot previews pretty regularly).
Version 0.3 (the introduction of both story and procedurally generated dungeons) is currently beyond the halfway mark, but still a ways away. My current estimation is the end of April or the beginning of May (so three weeks or so from this post). The coding is almost finished, but the visuals are a ways away.

For the free players, I'm also working on a tweaked version of 0.2.9 to correct the various Android malfunctions that will be released alongside the overhauled v0.3, so hopefully, everyone will get a good experience going forward no matter which device they use to play the game.

I know that my release cycle is quite long, so I really do appreciate everyone's patience. Once this dungeon update is finished, the plan is to release smaller content updates in a more timely fashion.

I really want to play it 

When is I rewind going to updated for android

He's hoping to release the next update next week.


update for free version?

The next release will include Dungeon quests and expanded story content. It is taking a while. Right now, he's estimating another 6 weeks before the next update. We're discussing things to do that might make the wait easier to tolerate.

ok, have a nice day

(1 edit)


It looks like the Android Operating System isn't liking v.2.8 or v.2.9.3. The developer is aware of these problems and is trying to fix it. If you encounter problems, please come into our Discord Server and drop The Cucumber a line. He might be able to help you get around the problem. And/Or, you might have an Android problem he doesn't know about yet, and he needs that information to try to make v.3 (next release) work properly for everyone.


is there a walkthrough or guide?

Not yet, and there probably won't be for several more months, at least. However, our Discord Server has very active members who know the game inside and out, as well as the Developer himself. If you post questions there, I'm sure you'll get a response within a few hours or one day, at most.

Are you stuck on something? If it's from 2.8, I can probably help.

I definitely understand the game is in early days so to speak. But Ive gotta say, the current game is interesting but not fun. I really appreciate the humor and lore, its a fun take on spirituality and magic in a fantasy world. Plus strangely charming art. But the gameplay is one step away from from an idle clicker. Its essentially just grinding out arbitrary stats for arbitrary titles. After the first death loop I just couldnt be bothered to keep playing. It feels like a writer and an artist got together but forgot to consult a game designer. Just my personal opinion, certainly have no expertise

We're sorry to hear that this game doesn't meet your preferences. And we certainly understand that this type of gameplay is not for everyone. Cucumber is constantly looking for ways to improve the experience for the players, but he knows this will never be a game that is loved by everyone. 

Thank you for taking the time to give it a try. And thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback and opinions. I hope you succeed in finding other games that you will enjoy.

Is there any way to deal with the soul box bug in the public 2.8 release?

I don't want us to look non-responsive, so I'm putting this comment here. Thanks for joining our Discord and asking your question there. We're always happy to see a new face in our Server.

Yes, thank you for the welcome!


Are there animated scenes? 


v0.2.9.3 has my first animated scenes. Everything is still images in earlier versions (future versions will also include more animation).

very cool. thx


2.9.3 (Android) crashes at the Ren'Py loading screen after updating the app. I did a clean install as well with the same results

Can you send me a dm on discord? I have another compile for android that may work for you. Discord link:

(I'd send it to you here, but I don't see any way to send a private message...)

(1 edit) (+1)

I keep getting expetion error after getting the  v0.2.9.3 windows. I keep getting it on the Lani-marla scene and when i try to look at my game info.

Quick solution that fixes some problems:
- If you installed over an older version, go ahead and do a fresh install to see if that solves the problem.

If this is a fresh install, can you let me know what the error message says (you can either copy/paste it here or post the text file onto the 'issues' section of Discord. (link:


what are the codes


We don't know what "codes" you're talking about.  There are no codes in the game.



Is there any mega link for Android?

Yeah, mega links for the free versions are up on patreon (

Deleted 2 years ago
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