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Looks like we have a lot of new comments and questions from this update.  As always, if you have any questions or want to read what Cucumber has planned for the next Game Update, our Discord Channel is the place to be.

Some day...he will add a Discord button on the Itch page. Some day....


Y is there no sound?

I believe there has been a response to this a few times from the dev and his wife. They haven't added sounds, and if they do add sounds, it's way down the road.


Ah, really? Like, not even some free music by Kevin McLeod or anything? What a pity. 

Thanks for the reply

No problem, mate

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Basically, adding music requires different coding methods than what Cucumber has learned so far. He is self taught. And he hasn't taught himself how to put that into his game yet.

That said, he's hoping to add music some time in the next 12 months, and we have already bought some music that might work. Yay for Humble Bundles, am I right? =)

That makes sense! Thank you for taking the time to respond!


Sound is not on the list for the current update (0.3.0), but it IS planned for the next one (0.3.1).


Lol, this game's graphics looks like it's straight out of the Youtube channel Cool 3D World. It's not bad, it just has a strange feeling to it. 

Anyway, when Bessy falls in the scene at the temple, her hallux goes inside the floor. I believe that render should be redone

I think that clipping has been reported before, but I'll bring his attention  to it again.

The art style was influenced by a mix of 1990s and early 2000s anime art styles plus Disney's Rapunzel. (Not for yucky reasons. He just thinks Disney does a good job on their character art.)

I've reached over 30 intelligence (so i'm supposed to get a title for that) and got the wizard title through the temple, but it says that i only have 2 titles and, among the owned titles, it only shows the computer programmer one. I believe it is a bug... 


You only get new titles added after dying. As far as I am aware.


The titles earned from praying at the temple are the only exceptions to the death rule at this time.

Ah, I see, thanks!


So I'm loving the game so far, even though I know it's still early in development. The dialog is fantastic, graphics are top notch... and I could go on.  I only have one complaint. I'm currently at the part when Marla teaches Liam, how to pet Lani's tail. After that point, I immediately, had to get on here and say this: I really- (creative and insightful word that rhymes with "DUCKING")- dislike her. Maybe if I keep going it will get better, but right now it seems like she is just a spoiled bit... brat, that just wants to play with Lani and her only toy, because nobody wants to play with her. You have a great light-hearted love story, and she is wrecking a truck into it. Is it just me, that feels that way????

In version 2.9.3, a lot of new interactions (with and without Liam) have been added in between Marla and Lani that enhance the friendship/relationship between the two. Though, of course, only you will know whether or not you can come to like Marla.

I appreciate the feedback and I can certainly understand why it may come across that way, especially for a new player (all of the Marla/Lani interactions are new as of 2.9). Since this is an open-ish sandbox world, I'm not structuring the releases of the romance routes in a traditional sequence (or even a sequence that makes a lot of sense). Essentially, the only current route in the game is the polyamorous route (not to be confused with the harem route) and the beginning of Lani's individual route, so it's really sort of shoe-horned in there without any options for the player to pick and choose (since most choices would simply lead to nothing, I've omitted them in this version). This was done only because I was doing a lot of rendering in Marla's room in this most recent update, so I went ahead and did as much 'Marla's room' content as I could in the time I had. I know it seems strange for me to say it, but the current route is actually something that's not intended to be the primary route for most players in their initial playthrough of the game (I expect that most players will veer towards the Lani individual route when the options are made available). Couple that with having no real content for Marla's individual route other than the initial interactions and you have some scenes that may seem out of place.

As with a lot of these types of games, the final intended product will allow the player to choose their partner(s) and avoid the characters that they have no particular interest in, though finishing a route with one character will unlock additional options with that and other characters, so there will be incentives for the player to follow all of the routes eventually.

Thank you for the response. I went back and played through the last two scenes of the update. I also checked out some of the comments and saw that you had already stated that this route was only a possibility and the choice, in the end, would be up to the player. Again the art, 98% of the story and game play are a solid 10 out of 10. I can't wait for the next update. 

I played this game for a bit and decided to look through the folder and I gotta ask Why can I see all the girls naked but not lani? I can only see lani in panties.

lani's boobs is visible but her crotch area is covered by panties.

but not with the other girls.

No reason really, I just had her default to underwear when it was being rendered.

ah okay

I've FINALLY started to look into using the versioning system for those who want to use it. That would mean that people who prefer to use the Itch app for downloads and updates should be good to go.

Right now, I've uploaded the game for win/linux and android, and the mac release is still uploaded the old-fashioned way. 

Thank you so much for updating the devlog! Once I set a few affairs in order, I plan to send support via this platform as I have been banned from patreon for boycotting their suppression of content.

No problem.

Version 2.9.1 is available on Patreon for $5.00 patrons and above. He plans to release it to Itch on Monday.

Version 2.9 has been released to the $10 and above Patrons on Patreon. Next week, 2.9.1 will be available to $5 patrons. And a few days after that, 2.9.1 will be made available on Itch for $2.00.

Please note that there are some issues in version 2.9 that the Cucumber will be patching (thus 2.9.1) before releasing to anyone other than the $10 patrons.

Is there any possibility that you could please update the development log? I want to donate what I can but I would love to see how development is going before I do. Thank you

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Oh wow. He hasn't added a DevLog to Itch in over a year, huh? I'll nag him about it on Monday. It should be a simple Copy and Paste compilation from his Patreon posts.

Having the DevLog is important by showing a detailed list of improvements and the date of improvement, allowing others to see how often progress is made and if there is any gain by buying into development. The more people who are able to see an active dedication to your work, the more likely they will be willing to donate. 

Quick Update:

Cucumber was only a day or two away from testing out the upcoming game update before the kids' school closed for Winter Break about 2 weeks ago. Our boys go back to school starting Monday, and Cucumber will be able to start developing again.

As always, if you have any questions or want to read what Cucumber has planned for the next Game Update, our Discord Channel is the place to be.

Hey, just wanted to say this now in case I forget to in the future, Merry Christmas! (And if you celebrate something else, happy whatever you celebrate, whether it's Hanukkah, or winter's solstice, or something else!)


Thank you very much. Happy Holidays to you, too! Our family had a very busy holiday season.

Example of information that you get to have just by joining our Discord. The Cucumber gives lots of informal updates like this in Discord pretty regularly. 

So.....I haven't checked this in a while. Sorry all. You're going to be getting some late replies.

Reminder: Our Discord is the best way to get a hold of Cucumber. He is actually really active there.

Discord Link:

P.s. I'm Cucumber's wife.

So, i need to know how to up my computer programming title. its the last thing i need and idk how to get it without cheating!

(2 edits)

Also Cat Person

We have several people in our Discord Server that could help answer this question for you.  In fact, there was a discussion about the Cat Person title just last week, I believe. I encourage you to join us there.  That said, this is obviously a common question. I'll ask Cucumber to come respond.

Car person is hard locked to Lani's highest level, thus it can only get to level 3 or 4 in the current version of the game (same thing for protagonist and party planner, which are attached to player max level and max combined party level).

Programmer is a title that can only be unlocked in dungeons, which is planned for release in version 0.2.10.  So short answer is that there is no legit way to level those titles at this time.

If you're interested in future content like that, do visit the discord, I try to be pretty open about plans for titles and content,  and a lot of player suggestions have already been included in current and planned game versions. 


if you beat the chicken you still die.

Is this still happening?

Yes, chicken death is required to unlock the title system. In the next version, you get a bonus level of the chicken title for winning in your first life, since everyone seems to agree that there should be at least a little reward.

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Hi Manny. Our Discord is

The Cucumber is very active there.

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Could you also host the file on itch? I'm using the desktop app and it doesn't even pull up a file to download.

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Is this problem still happening?

He plans to host the files on Itch...eventually.  But it's a low priority for him right now. I'll try bringing it up with him again after the next release.

Can the chicken be beat in the first life

Yeah, you have to train entirely in endurance though, otherwise, you can't sustain the damage you take, once in the battle, you'll have to whittle down the chicken's hp.


The game keeps getting an error when i try to suicide but my stats are to high to just die. What should i do?


I found the method to fix this for anyone else who encounters it. You habe to save your game and then exit to the main menu. You then have to start a new game and skip through the prologue and then load your save and suicide. It for some reason works and I'm surprised I found it, but there you are.

Thank you.

Can anyone give me the hints how to get the soul skill and learn it?

Right now there isn’t an actual difference.  None of your skills reset on death. 

Just play game and try on one day to just go sleep (no sleepwalking). You'll encounter HIM in your dreams and level the soul skill.

I read the hints in the life/ soul achievement that says you can find the soul skill at the temple and learn it from the book. If no one knows about it then I assume that the skill is not implemented yet

Just started playing android  I can't figure out how to purchase items from the shop no buy or sell button. Also have not figured out how to level up the light skill.  Is their a wiki page?

You get experience for light magic from books, which you can either buy or get as rewards for leveling up with the Temple and the Adventures Guild.  I’m not sure about the Android problem as I don’t have one. If you are still having issues the dev is very active on Discord. 

No Wiki, unfortunately. I've brought up a Wiki with The Cucumber a number of times, but his point of view is that he should spend his time working on the game instead. But, as Crinisen said, we have a very active Discord Server.

i cant get past the chicken what do i need to do?


There are various solutions. One: Build you endurance until it basically does no damage, then hope to land your hits. Two: Build  you favor with Ragus, Vint, or the goddess of war (Don't remember her name atm) to gain the titles from them. After  that, train your stats to be strong enough to beat it.

three: Wait until you have many more titles. I know this sounds like the last one, but you can also gain titles through leveling specific stats past a certain point.

The first time i beat it, I had just focused on training endurance and then beat it. The first hit may cause a lot of damage, but every hit after that should be fine.

Now that I have many more titles, it is a rather easy fight to beat since my stats raise by quite the amount quite quickly.

Option Four: Come chat on our Discord channel. We have a lot of long-time players who know the best way to do just about anything in the game, and The Cucumber is generous in giving tips to such questions himself pretty regularly.

(1 edit)

just a heads up that my antivirus found a trojan in the download. it was literally called "trojan.gen"

Doubt it, especially since this is an edited comment


Maybe that's just a category that my antivirus uses? idk, just saying my antivirus kicked up a flag.

Noted. Thank you.

When the main character is going to get some action? 

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Im curious . Your patron goals are for # of patrons, not total monthly income. Hypothetically how would it effect those goals if a few people donated 200 a month ?


It's been mentioned that I should change the goals to reflect an income target instead of membership count. I'll likely do that in the coming month.

For the past year, the kids have been at home with me 24/7, since the daycare was closed for Covid. That meant that, essentially, I couldn't do more work on the game no matter how much was given on patreon, simply because I would still be babysitting twin 4 year olds (this is also why I've not spent the time required to beautify the itch page). Almost everyone in my family is now fully vaccinated, though, so we're planning to send them back to daycare for a few days per week in the middle of May. Once that happens, I'll have a much better idea of how much work I can and cannot get finished on the game with the time I can give to it, and I'll be able to let everyone know what the expected changes will be with more income. I expect that the biggest improvements will come at roughly 1000-1200, which would be enough to put the kids into daycare all week. After that number, additional patreon targets would be used to improve equipment, perhaps pay for some part-time coding help, and the like.

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Quick questions (hope you read...): 

1. I see, on SprintingCucumber Patreon, ver. 2.5.1 is free (since The Wife mentioned it) and here it isn't. Will you upgrade the page here too? 

2. What body model do you use for Lani (I know its from DAZ Studio, but from where you found it?)? (im just curious)

3. Are there any rewards if you max out a title (apart from stat bonuses)?

1. I juuuuust did. Sorry it took so long to get this page up to date.

2. Lani is a combination of Paige (I dislike Paige as a stand-alone model, but she's good for adding a toony look to other models), Posey, and... one other body style that I can't recall the name of (plus, of course, a lot of slider fun... honestly, I'd be hard-pressed to make the exact same character again). The ears are custom from me, but I've seen some similar ones on the Daz store recently, and the tail is just a tube with hair. All of the hairs and so forth are built in Maya.

3. Some titles provide additional bonuses as you level them up, and some are just higher levels of the same bonus. Actually, in the mirror menu, you can see all of the titles and all of their various level descriptions. In the titles section, above the list of titles there's a 'show all titles' button. Then you can just select the title you want to see and click through the various levels with the arrows at the bottom of the screen.

when is the next public up date coming out 

I apologize for the delay, the newest version updates are available now.

thank you got the up date now

New update has been released on Patreon.


Update from the Developer's Wife: As many of you know, our family lives in Texas. Like most our fellow Texans, we were negatively impacted by the massive ice and snow storm that rolled through our state and knocked out our electricity grids and water lines. Our family was lucky to suffer only minor damage to our home (we lost a tree, but nothing else.) We were able to take our kids and pets all to a hotel where we stayed for a week. And the week before that was filled with festivities fory birthday and our wedding anniversary. So, yeah, he was not able to work on the game these past two weeks.

That said, we fully expect him to be able to resume working on it tomorrow. 

Thank you for your understanding, and we hope everyone else impacted by this crazy storm was able to stay safe. Much love from our family to all of you!

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

There is no audio at all. And adding audio is very far down the road, if ever.

infinite money when buying and reselling in the guild is normal ? .  I play version 2.42

It is intended and not currently planned to be changed. His exact words are, "Yeah, you can do it, but it's not very much money. If someone wants to make infinite money that way, go for it."

I can't install this on the itch app

Try logging into the website directly, instead. We haven't ever heard of people having issues downloading this game through the Itch App... But we definitely know it works from the website.

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I've done a manual download via the website according to the app there isn't a file to download dunno if the issue is on your end or itch's thought you should know all the same

Which version?

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 I can't select any version in the file selector when I go to install not even prior versions i;m using windows

Ok, I know the problem. I've not done the steps to integrate the game into the Itch app's automatic update system (it's not a difficult process or anything; it's just not been high on my priority list).  Until I get that sorted out, the app won't find any usable versioning information, so it won't allow you to select any files to download.

You can still download the raw files from the web portal version of Itch, though ( I'll make a devlog post when I have everything squared away to work properly with the app sometime over the next few days (my work time is limited during the pandemic dark ages, so I can't promise a quick turnaround).

New release is out on Patreon. Barring any major issues, The Cucumber expects to release on Itch tomorrow.

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He expects to have a release this weekend. Of course, that depends on how many issues he finds when he starts testing it.

Can't get past the "tell god your name" part...

I put it in, click enter, and nothing. Try to close the keyboard, nothing. Restarted, tried several other simple fixes, no change. Solutions?

He says to try just leaving your name blank and seeing if it will let you move forward.

I say also try using the Enter Key on the keyboard. If they doesn't work, try specifically NOT using the Enter Key on the keyboard and making sure you only submit the blank through the in-game submit button. Mind you, I've never played the game, so mine are just simple troubleshooting ideas.

Please let us know if you find a way to make it work. He plans to just remove that from the Game when he starts working tonight.

Problem solved. Thanks.

What was your fix?

same as his. Lol

We just added a Tips & Tricks channel to our Discord Server. And we have about 3-5 really dedicated players plus myself and the Developer who are active in the Server. If you are stuck somewhere in the game, don't know how to earn certain titles, or have any other things you would like to discuss, come on over and chat with us.

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